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BUCZKOWSKA Dorota | June from the One Year in a Sanatorium series

Dorota BUCZKOWSKA (ur. 1971)

June from the One Year in a Sanatorium series

triptych, collage of anonymous vintage photographs,
composition size 24 x 46 cm,
signature on the front of the mat, date and description on the reverse of the frame,
unique object

The work comes from the artist`s new series of photographic collages entitled One Year in a Sanatorium. Individual images correspond to twelve months spent in a sanatorium, which can be understood in two ways: metaphorically, as a recess in our imagination created by literary associations or a private space where we indulge in an illness, or in very literal and real terms. A key point here is the time construct - a recollection suspended between an actual event and a vision of the mind. Illness seems to be presented here as an experience which, acting in alliance with the body, completely overcomes the mind and its past.

Buczkowska expresses herself in various media: drawing, painting, photography, installation. Using metaphors, she explores topics related to the perception of corporeality. Buczkowska is a graduate of the Sculpture Department, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (2003), and of Gender Studies at Warsaw University (2002). In 2003-2004, she was a resident at the prestigious Centre National des Arts Plastiques Villa Arson, Nice. Selected individual exhibitions: Żak Gallery, Berlin, (2007); CRAC Sete, France (2008); Czarna Gallery, Warsaw (2008, 2011); Liverpool Biennial (2009); BWA Katowice (2010); Studio Gallery, Warsaw (2011); Skulpturenmuseum, Marl (2012); CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw (2012). Selected group exhibitions: Journey around the Skull, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw (2010); Paris Photo, France (2010); Biennale of Contemporary Sculpture, Australia (2011); curated by_vienna 2011, Stainek Gallery, Vienna; WANI, Fondation Paul Ricard de Paris, France (2011); No, no, I hardly ever miss a show, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw (2012). Works in collections: Marl Sculpture Museum; The Vienna Collection; MoBY Museum, Tel Aviv; Villa Arson, Nice.

cena wywoławcza: Informacja dostępna po wykupieniu abonamentu

Szczegółowe informacje o aukcji, na której licytowany był ten obiekt dostępne są po wykupieniu abonemantu.
Dodatkowy opis
Nota biograficzna:
Wypowiada się w różnorodnych mediach: rysunku, malarstwie, fotografii, instalacjach. W sposób metaforyczny podejmuje tematy związane z percepcją cielesności. Ukończyła wydział Rzeźby ASP w Warszawie (2003) oraz Gender Studies na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim (2002). W latach 2003-2004 odbyła staż w prestiżowym Narodowym Centrum Sztuk Plastycznych, Villa Arson w Nicei. Prace w kolekcjach, Muzeum Rzeźby, Marl; Kolekcji Miasta Wiedeń; MoBY Museum, Tel Awiw; Villa Arson, Nicea.
Informacje dla kupujących:
Bidders who cannot participate in the auction in person can place their bids (specifying their maximum bid) on the days directly preceding the auction. The organiser’s staff will bid on their behalf (the maximum declared bid being confidential). Bids can be submitted at the following phone numbers: +48 693-108-148, +48 22 818-94-68.
Bidders can bid for individual lots by phone, provided they contact the organiser prior to the auction.

An extra commission fee of 15% is charged by the organiser on the hammer price. The fee is also charged on any post-auction sale.  |
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22 818 94 68 (poniedziałek - piątek: 10:00 - 17:00)